And, I agree that it is incredibly stupid to have kids you can't afford, but it happened and now all they can do is to try to push through it. And if they are all under 5, then, tbh, I can understand how the house is a mess.
I obviously have my 3 month old daughter, but my 4 year old nephew comes over every other weekend and holy shit that kid can tear up a room in no time. I won't get into why it is up to me to clean up after him, but toddlers are extraordinarily messy.
Oh, an infants are a ton of work, although only for 2-3 hour blocks. On average I think they sleep something like 14-18 hours a day, but for the hours they are up, they require constant attention. Not to mention the off days where they just won't nap.
And I swear I'm not going to let her know all the pain I have known
27-Aug-2017 14:54:55
- Last edited on
27-Aug-2017 15:02:14
Averia Light