Did I explicitly say "Icy Spring" in any of that? No, so I don't know why you're pouncing on me. The innocent need not defend themselves.
I think you're projecting a bit here mate.
"Revenge...is like a rolling stone, which, when a man hath forced up a hill, will return upon him with a greater violence, and break those bones whose sinews gave it motion."- Jeremy Taylor
13-Jun-2017 16:04:15
- Last edited on
13-Jun-2017 16:05:40
Team Skull
Real talk though: I wanna see the actress thread remade.
"Revenge...is like a rolling stone, which, when a man hath forced up a hill, will return upon him with a greater violence, and break those bones whose sinews gave it motion."- Jeremy Taylor
Favorite pornographic actress thread pls
[qu.ote id=23-24-312-63626936-13867-341770025*[quot.e id=23-24-703-65953575-104-341769920*what devastatingly undeveloped senses of humor you all have
can't even screencap this **** it's so stupid[/qu.ote]
Team Skull
Real talk though: I wanna see the actress thread remade.
Did they state it couldn't be remade?
You can always go and ask or just remake one with rules within the opening post and keep an eye on what people are posting or where there links take you. Is it appropriate for a 13 year old to view or read.
Team Skull
Averia Light
..... (I do look from time to time, but have no real time to post anything. I gave birth on 6/6/17
A little bit late - Congratulations!
Okay, why the hell...
Brings a tear to my eye to see Team skull say "cute"
[qfc id=]whatever[/qfc]
I'll make the thread, but what got it removed to begin with?
[qu.ote id=23-24-312-63626936-13867-341770025*[quot.e id=23-24-703-65953575-104-341769920*what devastatingly undeveloped senses of humor you all have
can't even screencap this **** it's so stupid[/qu.ote]
So on a related note, I used to have really bad tinnitus. Like really fucking bad. Near constant ringing. Cleaned my ears out with hydrogen peroxide, so much wax came out. No tinnitus. I thought it was from shooting all the time but apparently too much waxy buildup can cause it as well.
It's like a great weight was lifted off of my shoulders and now I can finally join the saner members of society.
I feel absolutely fucking great now. I was miserable before.
[qu.ote id=23-24-312-63626936-13867-341770025*[quot.e id=23-24-703-65953575-104-341769920*what devastatingly undeveloped senses of humor you all have
can't even screencap this **** it's so stupid[/qu.ote]