It seems that in this day and age, anything that some one does not agree with is hate speech. There used to be a time when people could hold open discussions with out being accused of being phobic this ist that.
When I was younger, if you did not agree with what some one said, you either voiced your oppinion as a civil person, or ignored them. Though there was some cases in which words would lead to physical altercations and fists a flying. But that was mainly when some one said something nasty about your family, especialy your mother.
Then it became your duty to uphold and defend her honor. But sadly things have changed, and not for the better. Now adays if what you say does not fit the narrative that the other person or persons believe, then you must be silenced. For you are phobic this, or ist that. This applies to both sides of the political spectrum.
And it is rather sad. The rise of the SJW is sickening.
Don't ever think the reason I am peaceful is because I do not know how to be violent.
Ekki hugsa alltaf að ég sé friðsælt vegna þess að ég veit ekki hvernig á að vera ofbeldi.
19-Aug-2018 01:36:15