This is around the point where you just start '@Jesse'ing me, we know who's talking to who at this point without a massive quote lol.
Anywho, how I wish I could share your certainty of individuality of storytelling. Alas, this is my curse as a cynic and a critic, to look and see similarities where others would look for difference (It happens to everyone who's into anime eventually, watch a few hundred series and it'll happen to you to). There's being alike, there utilizing genre tropes and then there's reskinning a trope set, which are largely a different affair. Now, I wont say that I hate the idea universally, I do like some shonen manga (Specifically Negima, though thats half for the fighting and half for the chicks), I care less for the works themselves than the prestige they are inappropriately afforded and the fans who swear by them and nothing else.
Basically, what I'm saying is that the shonen genre bugs me becasue of it's fans attitudes about it and its ability to take would-be anime fans and make them shonen zombies. If someone enjoys those shows then thats A-OK by me, as long as they understand they are not the god-tier nor are they even 1% of what anime has to offer them.
Also, my bent against the cosplayers is just a dislike for the market saturation. It's not as bad as it used to be, but when 90% of a (large) convention is either Naruto headband people, Kakashi's and people in Bleach robes, it gets grating. Imagine going to an art gallery and everything on display was the Mona Lisa, painted the same way, and the only difference was the brush strokes used, thats basically how it is. Arguable, but theres an art to cosplay that gets neglected. Defo with you on the Homestuck cosplayers though, that's basically the direction where the lazy cosplay bandwagon has gone in recent years.
13-Feb-2014 01:28:14
- Last edited on
13-Feb-2014 01:29:19
Jesse B77