Anyone heard anything about the airing time for the next season of PRISMA Illya? I know they said it was in production, but haven't seen anything about an actual airing date.
Also 2018 is going to be nuts. Between Date A Live S3, SAO Alicitation, Index S3, Attack on Titian S3, Lyrical Nanohoa: Detonation, Carcdcaptor Sakura Clear Card Arc in January, there's just a whole ton of continuations coming to look forward to.
Leader of
The Enemy
The opposite of Justice is simply another Justice. What is Evil is subjective to each person.
are their evil
17-Dec-2017 03:48:57
- Last edited on
17-Dec-2017 03:50:24
Jack Flac
Jesse B77
I was under the impression they where capstoning the series with a movie/movies?
Cardcaptor Sakura is getting a full 2 cour adaptation. If you are talking about PRISMA Illya, they did release Oath Under Snow last summer which is a direct follow-up from the ending of 3rei, being the narration by Shirou to Illya and the rest of the events that took place in his world prior to the events of the first season. After it was released they had announced that the next season was in production.
You may be confusing PRISMA Illya with the Heavens Feel adaptation, which is a 3 part movie adaption of the third route of Fate/Stay Night. PRISMA Illya is spinoff manga series.
Leader of
The Enemy
The opposite of Justice is simply another Justice. What is Evil is subjective to each person.
Fate/Extra? Yeah, that's coming this winter as well. Fate has gotten quite big for sure, considering back when Type/Moon released Fate/Stay Night, they were still just a doujin group. Now they're a full on buisness franchise. It's amazing how one little idea taking off can make such a big name for someone.
Leader of
The Enemy
The opposite of Justice is simply another Justice. What is Evil is subjective to each person.
are their evil
17-Dec-2017 05:52:55
- Last edited on
17-Dec-2017 05:53:21
Jack Flac
Jack Flac
Anyone heard anything about the airing time for the next season of PRISMA Illya? I know they said it was in production, but haven't seen anything about an actual airing date.
Also 2018 is going to be nuts. Between Date A Live S3, SAO Alicitation, Index S3, Attack on Titian S3, Lyrical Nanohoa: Detonation, Carcdcaptor Sakura Clear Card Arc in January, there's just a whole ton of continuations coming to look forward to.
>not mentioning the LOGH remake
“Loddfafnir, listen to my counsel: You will fare well if you follow it, It will help you much if you heed it. If aware that another is wicked, say so: Make no truce or treaty with foes.”
- Havamal 127
Posted on the Official Lyrical Nanoha Reflection Youtube channel on December 28th.
It's the announcement for the release date of the Bluray discs. April 11, 2018 is when they are slated to hit the shelves.
Also posted was the PV for Lyrical Nanoha Detonation.
Still no set release date though. All we know at this time is sometime in 2018.
Edit: According to what it says on the official Nanoha site, the Blu Ray and DVD are both going to be released with Japanese/English subtitles, same as the previous two movies.
[link to the official site;]
Leader of
The Enemy
The opposite of Justice is simply another Justice. What is Evil is subjective to each person.
are their evil
04-Jan-2018 00:31:06
- Last edited on
04-Jan-2018 11:13:49
Jack Flac