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I saw one clip of it and thought, "Hmmmmm, this seems terrible..."
Good job, consciousness, you got me out of watching 51 episodes of crap. Now, where were you when I first started watching anime and thought Naruto and Bleach were good...?

11-Jul-2012 04:59:46



Posts: 2 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I was wondering if I could get some suggestions on a new anime to watch. I'm open to most themes. Heres some that I've watched already:
One Piece
High School of the Dead
Fate Stay Night
Fate Zero
Samurai Champloo
Black Lagoon
Soul Eater
Yu Yu Hakusho
Fullmetal Alchemist + Brotherhood
Shaman King
Fairy Tail
Princess Lover
Sora no Otoshimono + Forte
Death Note
Code Geass
Digimon 1-4
Ao no Exorcist
Angel Beats
Probably forgot some. Would be helpful if you could give some information on what it's about aswell. Thanks in advance :)

11-Jul-2012 05:08:05

i Revive

i Revive

Posts: 3,806 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Sorry man... But it's a good thing I never started out with Naruto and Bleach. I didn't have to go through that because I had an experienced watcher guide me.
I think the first thing I legitimately watched was Spirited Away and other Ghibli stuff, then the mainstream titles like FMA, Code Geass, Death Note, TTGL, etc. But I never really got into it. Then I was bored one day over summer and watched Full Metal Panic and that really put me into full swing... just kept watching show after show after show after that.

11-Jul-2012 05:11:43

Jesse B77

Jesse B77

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Well, the chart for next season is out already. Despite it being early days in terms of info, next season is already shaping up really nicely, lots of things that look interesting or that have good track records, and one certain very particular anime that you can more or less guarantee i'll be camping Nyaa for on a weekly basis (ill give you three guesses which one :P ) and which you guys are most likely going to have to put up with me talking about non-stop .
And based on KyoAni's offerings, looks like that are finally going to move away from the thrice accursed K-ON look that feel like its been creeping into every anime I've watched lately.

11-Jul-2012 12:36:24

Jesse B77

Jesse B77

Posts: 16,070 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Robotics;Notes isnt the one I'll be camping Nyaa for, but considering how much I enjoyed Stiens;Gate and the Chaos;Head VN, its definatly on my radar as the thing I find the second most interesting next season. Bakuman I got bored with after the first season.
But yeah, the big one that ill be camping Nyaa for is Little Busters, which as far as im concerned is Key's finest work (as far as VN's are concerned). LB is some pretty tricky subject matter to adapt, wont explain why since its a major spoiler, but if they get this right then it's going to something amazing.

12-Jul-2012 03:15:03 - Last edited on 12-Jul-2012 03:24:00 by Jesse B77

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