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Jesse B77

Jesse B77

Posts: 16,070 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Another was pretty meh really. The first few episodes are pretty good insofar as the atmosphere they maintain. Once it does away with that the story drops off a bit, to early for a 'big reveal' for the media type imo.

Also, Revive got banned? That's sad, this place feels so incomplete now :( ....

29-Jun-2016 04:55:04

Apr Member 2007


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got a forum ban on his Revive account.....and he did some naughty things on his account he played 07 with that resulted in that one getting banned

go watch Shiki if u want a proper horror/vampire/supernatural thing...whatever it was

29-Jun-2016 06:52:03



Posts: 49,796 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
personally i disliked another. i didnt get any horror or tension from it so it was just boring. was a long time ago when i dropped it might still try and rewatch at some point in time, but there is so many others id rather see Old School

29-Jun-2016 18:12:03

Jack Flac
Feb Member 2022

Jack Flac

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I actually found Another intruiging. It was a true horror, closer to Alfred Hitchcock's style. It made you think, and played with your subconcious, instead of simply blasting you with blood and gore.

It's something you rarely see anymore and is often a style less appreciated these days.
Leader of The Enemy ||
The opposite of Justice is simply another Justice. What is Evil is subjective to each person.
are their evil

30-Jun-2016 02:09:53

i Revive

i Revive

Posts: 3,806 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Funny how I happen to come here after a long time and I see you guys talking about me! My forum ban on this account was only temporary, but I figured I'd give up on this place since the mods **** me off. One more ban and it'll probably be permanent. But yeah I was perm banned on my other 07 account not too long ago.

Another is okay. There's obviously huge plot holes and suspension of disbelief comes into play. It's enjoyable and can be suspenseful I guess, but not the best anime has to offer.

And yeah.... no.... Another is light years behind Hitchcock films. I don't really see the stylistic similarities either, Another definitely relied on shock factor and has plenty of blood and brutal deaths from what I remember. But you know I could be wrong, it has been years since I watched it, since I followed it as it aired.

30-Jun-2016 07:17:20

Jesse B77

Jesse B77

Posts: 16,070 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Might as well still post on this thread at least, dont have to use the rest of the forum.

Although I cant make the comparison, Another was pretty good with the atmospheric stuff early. Once you get past the initial annoying 'we've got a secret and it's really obvious' thing, it manages to get a few episodes of being creepy in. After that all I remember if the chick how got skewered through the eye with an umbrella.

30-Jun-2016 12:12:16

Jack Flac
Feb Member 2022

Jack Flac

Posts: 6,207 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Another was still fair way off from hiit****** films, I'll agree. But it's charm was that it relied on the characters to create the suspense, instead of the blood and gore.

The blood and gore did exist, but it was more there to accent rather than to be the main focus.

So for me the part I liked was not the suspense or horror, as it wasn't that prevalent, but how it used the characters to make the setting. To be honest, it was more of a mystery show than horror. All the information was laid out in front of you, and throughout the show you were trying to piece that information together to figure out who was the one brought back from death.

I have to say though, that I was wrong in who it was in the end.
Leader of The Enemy ||
The opposite of Justice is simply another Justice. What is Evil is subjective to each person.
are their evil

30-Jun-2016 17:07:51

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