Funny how I happen to come here after a long time and I see you guys talking about me! My forum ban on this account was only temporary, but I figured I'd give up on this place since the mods **** me off. One more ban and it'll probably be permanent. But yeah I was perm banned on my other 07 account not too long ago.
Another is okay. There's obviously huge plot holes and suspension of disbelief comes into play. It's enjoyable and can be suspenseful I guess, but not the best anime has to offer.
And yeah.... no.... Another is light years behind Hitchcock films. I don't really see the stylistic similarities either, Another definitely relied on shock factor and has plenty of blood and brutal deaths from what I remember. But you know I could be wrong, it has been years since I watched it, since I followed it as it aired.
30-Jun-2016 07:17:20