Still the longest anime I've ever seen at 70 episodes and 2 movies. Not many shows that can stay so damn good for that long a period of time. Subject of the movies, you watch the first one after the first season (you'll know when that is cause the OP will change) and the second one as an epilogue.
But yeah, just finished the second episode of Prisma Ilya myself. I know I was watching this show just for the sake of seeing that exact scene, but frick me, they sure dont hold anything back with this show do they. I can only imagine how many lonely Japanese otaku are fapping furiously with that scene on loop.
One things that's kinds bugging me though, is how many times they felt the need to say how much she looks like Ilya. Because as far as I'm seeing, the only part of her that resembles Ilya is her forelocks
17-Jul-2014 21:59:44