So you didn't like NGE? Now we really can't be friends, though I wouldn't group that in with the conventional mecha series. It's primarily psychological using mechs as means to tell the story. You'll have to be more specific with which Gundam it was, the franchise as a whole is great but there's a few bad apples in there. Gurren Lagann is a very good series, it's on the absurd side and is more like a parody of the mecha genre. But that's a quality mecha series as far as I'm concerned. Gargantia could be considered mecha, somewhat. There's mecha in it, but the series isn't exactly centralized around it.
Mecha died after the 90s for the most part. I'm sure you wouldn't be interested in what I'd recommend... Nobody is... Sad face.
08-Jul-2014 11:24:57
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08-Jul-2014 11:29:25
i Revive