Right...who's up to hear about an early Christmas miracle?
So, last week I mentioned I had a CT biopsy on my left foot on November 30th, in order to identify which strain of bacteria might be infecting my left heel bone. Then, we could determine which antibiotic treatment would be best to fight the infection.
I got the biopsy results on Wednesday. They were pretty surprising.
As it turns out, I HAVE NO BONE INFECTION!!
Apparently, the noobs in Orthopedics misread my MRI, mistaking some fatty tissue in my foot for a bone infection. I did not have a good feeling about their diagnosis, so I declined their recommendation to have my lower left leg amputated!
The moral of the story: No matter how much professionals may flaunt their many years of experience, they are all still just people - and people can be idiots.
Enjoy your weekend, and Happy 'Scaping.
Aslon Dak: Still 'Scaping after 19 years!
You can buy XP. You can't buy experience.
"...From The 'Scape" is very nearly here.