
Lets hello on fridays.

Quick find code: 23-24-206-66279215

Feb Member 2018


Posts: 29,018 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Hello to all my long lost amazing pieces of my ever thankful and brilliant heart who forever keep my dream alive <3

By "long lost" i mean because of the hellish friday i was forced to endure last week when for some reason "probably something Jagex broke during their usual monday update" nothing i tried would allow my client to load and believe me, i tried "6 hours straight i relentlessly kept at it =(

6:30 pm until 12:30 am saturday morning and nothing.

At 12:37ish am i decided to reset my whole computer back to factory settings in the hope it may work....

That took about 6 hours, give or take a minute here or there...

To my horror the client still failed =(

So at about 7am i decided to give up and go to bed.

Throughout the night i tried to reach out to certain friends through other means and explained my situation, i had to use other ways because even trying to log into forums had me having to try and prove to a bot that i was human up to 15 times before they gave me some crazy error message =(

Same thing is still happened now, client is broken on my 3 year old windows 10 computer.

Why am i here now, i hear you ask???

My mate has lent me his stupidly expensive system for tonight with a warning which goes like this.

"Tony, be very careful with it mate cos if you fuck it up, i'll fuck you up!!"

Much love

Scouse - Typing in fluffy mittens =)
[qfc id=]whatever[/qfc]
August 15th 2017, the day Jagex freed me
Liverpool is love, Liverpool is life

15-Dec-2023 22:31:31

Aslon Dak

Aslon Dak

Posts: 10,543 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Hello and Happy Friday 'Scapers! :)

First, some unfinished business...

Kiwi Magic said :
^I'm glad you got a good result.

Megycal said :
That's wonderful news Aslon Dak! :D

Thank you both kindly. It's always a treat to receive unexpectedly good news from the doctors!

It has been a productive week, virtually speaking. I got virtual Firemaking level 100, virtual Woodcutting level 100, and virtual Mining level 107.

I have to say, I preferred it when everything wasn't virtual.

WELCOME BACK SCOUSE! It did not seem like Friday last week without you here.

Enjoy this next-to-last weekend before Christmas, and Happy 'Scaping!

*feeds useless purple presents to Cabbage, my baby troll*

Oh dear, now my pet looks sick. Pardon me while I go get a bucket...

Aslon Dak: Still 'Scaping after 19 years!
You can buy XP. You can't buy experience.
"...From The 'Scape" is very nearly here.

16-Dec-2023 01:16:30

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