I live in Eastern Europe, so we get plenty of birds that will be unfamiliar for those of you based in the UK, and conversely some of our biggest rarities will be common over there. I don't keep count of how many species I've seen/heard in total, but I have more or less all of our resident birds covered, anyway.
Some of the best sightings for me from this year would probably be Little Crake, Grey Wagtail, Common Quail and Serin (all irregular summer visitors/vagrants here). My best find of all time would probably be hearing two Common Nightingales singing at the same location when the whole species has been sighted in this country perhaps 20 times in history and its breeding grounds are far away from here. We have Thrush Nightingale, which is extremely common.
I mainly like listening to birds and identify most of them by their calls, as I lack the necessary equipment (and patience) to watch them properly, and I've also tried recording some bird songs this summer, you can find a few of them if you look for allaraz on soundcloud. Some of them may be interesting to you.
This autumn I've been more preoccupied with photographing and identifying mushroom species, raking up photos of over 150 major species in a short time, without even attempting to go for the smaller ones that may require microscopic identification (yet). Nature field guides were among the first books I picked up as a child, so it all comes natural to me.
12-Dec-2014 10:34:19
- Last edited on
12-Dec-2014 11:24:56