A couple of these and the game is completely ruined for the rest of us as they stand at their enemy's base with their dagger, that with prayer they never lose, and kill everyone that comes and goes.
^ use my favourite tactic.
3...2...1.. go go go!!1 (all move out and run in as many directions as possible) they can't hit u all at once with binding spells
and on a thieving note.. how the hell do people right-click steal so flipping quick!! i got pick pocketed 3 times in 3 seconds before my character would even cast or take a swing at the thief
edit: btw this is support
14-Jun-2011 04:48:48
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14-Jun-2011 04:49:22
Mister A J
I'd like this. I'm level 135 and I absolutely detest the elitist jerks with Ice Barrage and Class-5 staves / mage robes camping at enemy bases.
Ruins the fun for the entire team.
The only doctor you'll ever need.
full support, ive been scing for years. because of the basing issues, it has forced most people to join sc ccs for ffa (BI2M and Mhy).
All sc is nowdays is competition between the two, and if your not in one of them, you get caught in the crossfire. (of 50 138s from both teams immortal with ss)
@mister: they gots 99 thiev
17-Jun-2011 17:02:53
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17-Jun-2011 17:05:12
support,im sick and tired of being trapped,ruins the fun of SC. i tried trapping once with ice barrage,but it was no fun for me,and the low lvs who couldnt get to clay,makes it to easy. just give them a chance to live lol
No support: Trapping the skillers is the BEST way to prevent the other team from winning. The majority of people get their 20k points before harassing the other team... Which means you can get them too.