Trizimo & Terimaree,
You both mentioned the location of the fog exit. My thoughts were that if the fog exit were random then the enemy wouldn't ever be able to locate it try to shut it down. Although the point of the thread here was to make the game a little more evenly structured between the combat and skill based player, I thought having a completely random exit might make it too easy. Attacking and shutting down the enemy base is a way of attaining the ultimate objective, winning. Completely removing this by making a random safe exit seemed to much.
Now, on the other hand, if this random exit dumped you in a fog right in the middle of the enemy, maybe that wouldn't be so safe after all.
When I spoke of having the fog exit being "in the center" of the playing field, I really meant just a fog somewhere away from the base.
And I agree that you should be limited as to what you can take through the tunnels.
I could go either way, random or not, with the exit. I think either way would add a great twist the the game.
09-Jul-2010 23:02:43