Love this thread. Looks like there's been good progress in getting some of the ideas put in-game since it was made too, which is awesome.
I am all for simplifying things where possible by removing right-click options and putting the info in a tooltip instead. Aura time remaining is a great example of that. Also, extra info would be very nice to have sometimes too. Range of weapons and level required for full healing on food are great examples of extra info that I've wanted to know before but wasn't available in-game.
I do think a toggle option for full, abbreviated, or no tooltips would probably be welcome, but that may be annoying for Jagex to implement, particular abbreviated vs full. I would be okay with a simple on/off toggle.
I also think it's possible to fit a good amount of dynamic information in a tooltip without overwhelming the screen (elite skilling outfits a good example of this already in-game), so I would much prefer the tooltip route to Sreyas' suggestion of a new tab. The point of tooltips, to me, is that you don't have to go elsewhere to find the info. It's just there. A new tab would defeat that purpose.
06-Apr-2017 06:46:38