Do higher color phats fetch a higher lending rate when you lend it for gp? I haven't lended my purp in years it just sits in my bank so I don't know. I imagine even a yellow would go for like 2m per day (24hr) right?
Or are all phats lended for the same rate? Of course, I wouldn't lend until logout back when I did lend it because if I had to afk and I got logged, then the borrower would complain that their time with my phat was too short.
And I don't mean lending a phat as in actually trading it to someone obviously but unfortunately I simply forgot to give mine to my friend so he could have a phat avatar before the forum avatars got broken.
What lending rate would be decent for a yellow or purp these days since gp is earned pretty quickly compared to back when item lending was added? Would the lending rate for phats be lower if you lend to f2p in f2p worlds?
Does phat lending have a lower profit because forum avatars are broken? And people who lend phats for profit usually have at least 2, one to lend one to wear so people nearby see the lender isn't trolling right?
Sorry, I haven't used the item lending system for years. Thanks for any answers.
13-Jan-2021 11:41:53