Its like seasons items/cth where it takes 5+ years for any significant price changes. Gold phats are more common then seasons/cth, They just have higher market cap due to desirability.
A difference is gold phat is 100% discontinued. Some in game, perhaps just crazy people but rs has many of those, fear cth and seasons, some seasons items anyway, might not truly be discontinued.
We know with gold phat that it is fully 100% limited, even if that limit is very high. Still, I think 200m will happen
But it will go up faster than cth from there, if it even goes that low. Like Santas and hweens, more Santas in game but much more demand.
I cannot for the life of me manage to catch Covid. Perhaps it's because I didn't get vaxxed? The travails of those lacking immunity.
What might cause a fall in price? Why, a new hot item.
I cannot for the life of me manage to catch Covid. Perhaps it's because I didn't get vaxxed? The travails of those lacking immunity.
think you're trying a little too hard Boidae ^^
at what? gp in 100k phats
if all accs can make a phat in 14 hours - over a million phats not including multi accs
even no tradable halloween event cosmetics were more of a grind in less time
inflation of them only exists if whales dont run out of gp
at trying to FUD people into panic selling right after the event just ended lmao
Whales have 100's of billions and even trillions of gp, they don't "run out".
And total supply is not the same thing as circulating supply
You say FUD; I say fun. I miss these discussions. Look at how new players are involved now. I’d love to see another event like that one, but we probably will never see another.
I cannot for the life of me manage to catch Covid. Perhaps it's because I didn't get vaxxed? The travails of those lacking immunity.
Nobody is "running out" of gold, and for that matter there is more gold coming into the game all the time. Meanwhile GPHs are done coming into the game, and over the years the amount of them in existence will actually slowly decrease.
If you've got a GPH to sell for 400m, hop over to w2 and any number of people will gladly take it off your hands.