Personally, I'd love to see that. But that's just me personally. And that's what we all say now. The problem is, it requires a huge, really huge update. An update as big as the EoC update was. And that's gonna bring a lot of hate, because an update of this magnitude, would change the game forever and nothing is going to be the same anymore. That's simply the truth. We won't be able to ever see Varrock and Ardougne and Lumbridge and all those other cities the same way again, because every place needs to get filled up with all sorts of new houses, new forests, or whatever the case may be. This will create a lot of hate, the equal amount of hate the Wildy/Free Trade removal or the introduction of EoC received, all of which is probably purely based on nostalgia. We will get a different game than the game we were used to.
Remember the Wildy/Free Trade removal? Such a big update changing all sorts of standard things within the game. Got so much disappointed people over the years. What did Jagex decide to do? Implement a poll on whether the Old Wild and the Free Trade should return or not. And guess what, not many years later the Evolution of Combat got introduced. The update took away one of the most common elements of the game by replacing it with something else, again changing the entire game completely. IMHO, it was for the better, as I support EoC, but then again, obviously the bigger part of our community dislikes it. Jagex notices and what do they do? Again, giving the players the opportunity to get their old beloved combat back, with the majority of the votes.
Imagine Jagex updates RuneScape tomorrow, by scaling it up like this, it will be in 2016 the polls all over again with nearly the entire playerbase begging for the return of the 'Old Runescape', because the 'New Runescape sucks', opinions most likely based on nostalgia.
16-Feb-2014 22:50:37