Runescape has never been a AAA game. They never have AAA quality quests. However, RS3's quests and lore based content are far better than pretenders with no storyline at all.
The living fact is RS3 grew their revenue by 18% and then 20% the last 2 years, mainly because of their content with strong story arcs.
They are looking up to Bioware for story telling content. They aren't AAA. They don't feature Star Wars kind of stories but their IP are unique, original and going on and on and on longer than the Everady Bunny.
As for the quest in December, I think it will be fine but in general The Daughter of Chaos quest line is just too short to show anything exciting. I didn't expect a very exciting series 5 months ago when they revealed the roadmap anyway. I know all along the big update, especially on the stories front is their new skill next year. We should know that in a month or two.
The other December content is pretty much similar every year. It is just good to grab some free items, regardless it is Green Santa, Golden Partyhat or whatever new.
02-Dec-2022 02:00:45