I don't know where you get that RS3 is "putting more oomph on android". Yes, RS3 Mobile is already well ahead of most of their peers in beta It has gone over 1 million installs on Android and it is still only in beta, but that's not because of "more oomph" on Android. It is solely because iOS has a very tiny hard wired 10k beta testers limit on their Testflight program. Like the Android version, there is no reason not to see millions of players enjoying the iOS version of RS3 Mobile as soon as it comes out of Testflight.
As mentioned in the livestream, RS3 is making progress in iOS even though the incredibly small 10k Testfight compliance limit slows them down a little However, it was the exact same case OSRS Mobile has gone through in their iOS testing phrase in 2018. It took the iOS part of OSRS Mobile a few months of testing before it was released, it is going to be the same process for RS3 now.
10-Jul-2020 15:53:52