Yes I understand what you are saying in regard to Jagex could just label anything a 'miniquest' if they wanted to. I'm just explaining that Father and Son wasn't really worthy of being one and was just used to bulk-up the obvious lack of quest releases in 2019.
I will be a lot happier with 6 quests this year, don't get me wrong. I'm just hoping that we will get that many. More importantly, that it stays at a constant 6-9 quests each year as RuneScape evolves within the next few years.
I agree that it is far better to have more quests in 2020 than in 2019. The point I am trying to make is that it would be nice if there were more quests going forwards which I believe we both agree on.
I am glad that RuneScape does still exist and I am grateful for the fact that I can still play it. The wish and want for quests is still there but I am not expecting like 18 in a year. A constant schedule of 1 quest every 2 months (maybe with an extra one or two thrown in here and there) would be something I'd be content with.
Hunteresque - The Picturesque Hunter
Master Quest Cape Owner - 20/05/2021
04-Mar-2020 17:12:22