It is about the topic, after all i quoted someones post from page 23 when I made my argument. If my post was offtopic so would be the quoted persons.
The topic is about the quests in the making, the quests we are expecting in RS3, which became less and less frequent and, at this rate, I would stop expecting quests in RS3. Yes lore can be told via other methods too but the defining way of storytelling in this game are quests. The fact that OSRS is often mentioned when it comes to quest updates in RS3 is problematic and shows the sorry state RS3 is getting into. We are getting less and less quests and when we do we get some joke like ''once upon a slime''.
24-Jul-2020 22:12:20
- Last edited on
24-Jul-2020 22:16:20
tak xau