Honestly, seeing as how slowly this game gets updated for maxed players, i see little reasons to keep a 1-year subscription...
How "slowly" this game gets updated for maxed players? Didn't we have a completely brand new skill Archaeology just months ago?
Being "maxed" is just one of the numerous Achievements in RS3 anyway. There are plenty of activities and objectives to be accomplished after "maxing" with most don't even need to be
"maxed". To say the least, you will never "max" in the quest and lore categories because RS3 is a living and breathing, persistent game world with neverending stories.
Honestly, seeing as how slowly this game gets updated for maxed players, i see little reasons to keep a 1-year subscription...
Maxed is only the beginning and only one portion of the game ( skill).
Seeing that the game continues to still have updates that players can do, I would say buying an year's worth of membership for such a cheap price is worth it.
I know players who are 5.6b Xp, Trimmed comped and still play the game on their main accounts.
Time to follow an trail of Treasure.
My Goals
Lions Goals