There is potential for benefits to the game, I suppose, but honestly I have low expectations for the PAGs. I like the basic idea, but we will have to see how the concept is actually put into practice. Several good points have been brought up in this thread. I agree with others who have doubts these PAGs will actually do any good. Again, time will tell. It always does.
If Jagex truly wants to know how they can improve the game for the majority of players, they should step outside the echo chamber and read what actual players are saying about what they like and do not like. No, not everything is perfect and the best it's ever been. Anyone who is honest will admit that. Not everything in the game is utter crap either. Anyone who thought that has already left the game, if they really believed that.
Of course, you can't please everyone, no matter what you do. If you just try to make the best game you can - one that many types of players can enjoy - then you can call that a success.
Aslon Dak: Still 'Scaping after 19 years!
You can buy XP. You can't buy experience.
"...From The 'Scape" is very nearly here.
09-Apr-2020 09:56:51