
why recycle osrs into rs3? Thread is locked

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You know Dilbert, I sometimes think that a great addition to the forums would be an entire section reserved for your takes on issues; all threads created by you and curated by you.

I think it would be wonderful! You would be spared the annoyance of having to constantly correct others or get them back on track with your knowledge and opinions, and others could easily find that valuable resource all in one section.

Let me ruminate on how this might be suggested in the appropriate forum topic, while I wait for H 1 L D A's reply on your question as to her concerns with what OSRS is doing to the health of RS3 (see, I did say I may have indeed missed something, and quite apparently, i DID. Sorry.)

You have a nice day now.

17-Dec-2023 17:12:37

Jun Member 2006


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Meanwhile, pending OP's comment on "OSRS dead content", whether they meant a specific piece of content, or general content, abstract content etc, I think RS3 has no problem whatsoever if they don't treat such "dead content" as OSRS content, but just content from another game.

Just consider them as content from another game. RS3 has talked about copying content from other games in recent years. They said they learned to do Wilderness Flash Events from games like GW2. They said they are doing storytelling content from Bioware. So what's the problem? Nope, zip, nada... because regardless some players think those are dead content from GW2 and Bioware, RS3 isn't just blindly copying them. They just borrowed the concept that works great from other game and tailored it into content RS3 players like.

Other games' trash can be RS3's treasure.

17-Dec-2023 17:39:30

H 1 L D A
Apr Member 2020

H 1 L D A

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I mean, the timing of the post can easily infer which update the OP is talking about - this IS the Recent Updates forum. The most recent update RS3 has used OSRS content in would be Vorkath. You do not have to give the OP the benefit of the doubt here. It's really not that hard to discern.

Yes, RS3, by virtue of using Zuk and Vorkath second, has indeed had the luxury of adding lore to both characters in the gaps OSRS may have left behind. Just because Old School didn't introduce Zuk with a quest at all, or Vorkath was only a small part of a quest about dragon slaying, doesn't mean the basis of those stories (The TzHaar being Ful's tools to create the earth, using the Elder Kiln to do so, which eventually also served as Zuk's prison/ Vorkath being a creation of the dragonkin that they could use in the Dragonkin Conflicts) didn't already exist beforehand or that those stories were dead as you had argued earlier by trying to validate your still-incorrect opinion that "dead content can be subjective on the basis of story." There is also
no such thing as dead stories
in video games. They are told by necessity in order for players to progress and understand the story as they experience it in-game.

I'm not saying that AL doesn't have extra use - but it most certainly doesn't invalidate 0-click Ammo Retrieval when you have to manually use it, which means Ammo Retrieval isn't dead content because AL exists. This isn't a matter of opinion. You're just wrong here.

Finally - why would you ask me a question about specifically OSRS content and then tell another poster that if it was less specific than that, that my post wouldn't be on-topic otherwise. You're right -
but you're also the one who asked!
The important thing you needed to know was that your earlier assertion that I had an anti-Rs3 attitude was yet again not grounded in reality. We can hash out my concerns for the game elsewhere.
Quest Cape Owner since 2021

- July 31st, 2022

18-Dec-2023 08:56:46 - Last edited on 18-Dec-2023 08:58:44 by H 1 L D A

Jun Member 2006


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The RS3 Vorkath wasn't Recent Game Update at the time of OP's post either. I don't see anything "Hollywood" with OSRS Vorkath at all.

Let's just suppose OP meant to talk about the "OSRS dead content" Vorkath for now. OK, I can see their point that Vorkath in OSRS has nothing "Hollywood" - almost non-existing story, really bad and unnatural graphics and animations with a crippled "dragon" that doesn't belong in the existing dragon models, and perhaps more importantly, doesn't figure in the continuing (supposedly) living game.

However, as I mentioned, while some players may find OSRS Vorkath "dead content", it can be much better content in RS3. In RS3, we have far more stories and content behind Vorkath and Ungael. We have natural 4 legged dragon graphics and animations that Vorkath is supposed to be, according to its bigger Blue Dragon heritage from lore that OSRS failed to follow through. The RS3 Vorkath also resonates and continues the saga with the first RS3 Signature Heroes offical trailer Jagex released in 2012...which ended with Sir Owen, Aliane and Ozan confronting a Dragolich... The RS3 Vorkath is far more "Hollywood" style than its "OSRS dead content" counterpart.

Of course, the RS3 Vorkath also brought us bland new Necromany and Ranged gear, codex among other things, that are pertaining to the present and future of RS3, and not just its old past.

18-Dec-2023 16:54:23

H 1 L D A
Apr Member 2020

H 1 L D A

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In terms of "content that is from Old School" - the most recent update is Vorkath. This thread was authored only three weeks later - and the poster put it in the Recent Updates Forum. Vorkath is kind of the last "major content update" we've gotten, per the previous roadmap, as well.

Now, as for what the poster meant? I have no doubt it was an inane opinion that is wide-encompassing and can be interpreted as follows:

"Why is OSRS content in my RS3, they're just rebooting content from elsewhere, like how Hollywood brings back old movies in reboots. Where's the originality."

I don't know how many times I need to tell you this -
Vorkath is not dead content. In either game.
Quest Cape Owner since 2021

- July 31st, 2022

18-Dec-2023 17:51:29

Jun Member 2006


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H 1 L D A said :
In terms of "content that is from Old School" - the most recent update is Vorkath. This thread was authored only three weeks later - and the poster put it in the Recent Updates Forum. Vorkath is kind of the last "major content update" we've gotten, per the previous roadmap, as well.

Now, as for what the poster meant? I have no doubt it was an inane opinion that is wide-encompassing and can be interpreted as follows:

"Why is OSRS content in my RS3, they're just rebooting content from elsewhere, like how Hollywood brings back old movies in reboots. Where's the originality."

I don't know how many times I need to tell you this -
Vorkath is not dead content. In either game.

It doesn't matter if you think Vorkath is dead content or not. OP made this thread and tried to have a discussion of "OSRS dead content" being "copied" into RS3.

To have a constructive discussion, I have already everybody how RS3 made Vorkath better than what it was in Vorkath, regardless you think the OSRS Vorkath is dead content or not.

Do you know how Hollywood brings back classic content like Godzilla, Kong, Avengers, Superman and such moves? They didn't just "copied" the bad black and white original versions of the forgotten past. They remastered and evolved them. RS3 is doing the same and makes old dead content better to the modern demands of the modern consumers of the present, while paving the way for even better futuristic adaptions to the players yet to come.

18-Dec-2023 18:08:28

H 1 L D A
Apr Member 2020

H 1 L D A

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Accusing OP of "trying to have a discussion" is being a little charitable to a person who has yet to respond to you, isn't it?

I'll give you a little sense of who you are waiting on though. In Old School RuneScape, bosses actually have trackable hiscores, so you can see players' individual KC. Vorkath is one of the bosses tracked. A player only needs to have achieved 5 KC (I'm assuming the quest KC doesn't count, so 6 if counting the quest encounter.)

Our friend AFK lvl 99 has a very similar stat line in both games to myself - Maxed with a couple 120s in RS3, Mid-level Andy in OSRS. The guy has played some OSRS, so at first glance it's possible that he could have completed Dragon Slayer II, however...

He's not ranked on the Vorkath hiscores. That would mean that you are waiting on someone who possibly doesn't even have experience with fighting Vorkath to explain why Vorkath might be "dead content."


Finally, AFK lvl 99 didn't come here to talk about Vorkath. He came here to talk about why RS3 was ripping content from OSRS out of a feeling that it wasn't original (and that's me being charitable - he probably really did just wanna complain and then leave.)
Quest Cape Owner since 2021

- July 31st, 2022

18-Dec-2023 22:47:52 - Last edited on 18-Dec-2023 22:51:01 by H 1 L D A

Jun Member 2006


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@H 1 L D A

Most of the players who don't just play and know both RS3 and OSRS well play them on separate accounts. Hiscores don't tell a thing. I am glad that you realized yourself is also the similiar "Mid-level Andy in OSRS" as OP just from Hiscores alone. That makes it easy for us to know you probably don't have much experience in OSRS Vorkath and your comment that OSRS Vorkath is not "dead content" is at best just as "good" as OP's comment that it is "dead content".

A piece of content is good, bad or dead is also not solely shown by how many player has killed a mob. Please tell us where in Hiscores does it tell us about the players' opinions on the story, graphics, rewards among other things that come with Vorkath?

Anyway, we aren't sure if OP meant Vorkath or something else or something additional. Even if they talked about Vorkath, it means ZIP to me if it is "dead content" in OSRS or not as not only did RS3 have their own comprehensive implementation of Vorkath in their game, the Necromancy themed RS3 Dracolich idea was actually shown in Jagex's official RS3 Signature Heroes preview cinematic trailer long long ago in 2010:

Perhaps the fact is OSRS actually borrowed the idea from RS3, and RS3 didn't copy it at all as it was their original idea even before there was OSRS.

19-Dec-2023 01:26:25 - Last edited on 19-Dec-2023 01:49:28 by Dilbert2001

H 1 L D A
Apr Member 2020

H 1 L D A

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I already told you this, Dilbert. No one person gets to decide what is "dead content" - and dead content isn't subjective. I don't even need to have played the content to understand what an actual majority looks like.

Who do you trust, one guy on the forums who throws out a drive-by complaint with potentially no KC to even prove he has experience with the content, or the people listing Vorkath as one of the best solo moneymakers on the OSRS Wiki, the people trying to get the best-in-slot ranged cape slot item, and the people trying to get a Quest Cape?


Dead content,
is content that most players ignore or avoid.
It's that simple. It has nothing to do with story reasoning, distaste of graphics, or even the quality of rewards if progression is absolutely necessary.


We already know the Vorkath we got is inspired by the one we got in Old School RuneScape because of its lore. I've watched that trailer. You would need to timestamp a freeze-frame on where your stupid dracolich even is, and there wouldn't be enough in the shot to determine anything of merit here.

This is exactly what your anti-OSRS agenda looks like. Literally nobody is calling for Vorkath to be taken as original content and we all recognize it from Old School, and after a few days of arguing with me you wanna speculate about a millisecond of footage to try and discredit the notion that RS3 was in fact using OSRS content.
Quest Cape Owner since 2021

- July 31st, 2022

19-Dec-2023 02:56:58 - Last edited on 19-Dec-2023 02:59:16 by H 1 L D A

Sep Member 2012


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In my opinion, I feel like the OSRS teams work alot closer to the community than the RS3 teams do - though seemingly a thankful work in progress, nowadays! Because of this, alot of the ideas have come from the players themselves, especially with a higher player counter within OSRS there's presumably more ideas placed into circulation for discussion.

I don't think that either game has run out of ideas or truly made any mistakes. Everything can be built upon and Jagex are seemingly trying to do their best alongside meeting expectations with their financial obligations, i.e. MTX :P .
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19-Dec-2023 05:37:45

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