
why recycle osrs into rs3? Thread is locked

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H 1 L D A
Apr Member 2020

H 1 L D A

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Ava also isn't dead content in RS3. She's just been relegated to being a quest NPC because in 2019, Jagex made the ammo retrieval a passive ability gained from completing Animal Magnetism. You also still actually need the Accumulator later on to complete Do No Evil.
Quest Cape Owner since 2021

- July 31st, 2022

15-Dec-2023 02:36:39

Jun Member 2006


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@H 1 L D A

Again, perhaps you can think of only "two even remotely outstanding examples of content that has been brought over from OSRS to RS3", but over 9,000 players may have over 9,000 opinions. For instance, OSRS had GE Tax first, and RS3 added GE Tax later and some players complained about GE Tax in OSRS didn't like GE Tax in RS3 and they didn't like RS3 "copying" OSRS.

They could also be complaining about the classic graphics in OSRS. RS3 had added some classic graphics models to some items too. They also brought back basic RSC items models like the classic elemental staffs etc in Yak to Basics.

To many, OSRS dead content may not have to be specific NPC like Vorkath or Zuk, but just about anything they have seen in OSRS and deemed bad, or dead. They can be GE, graphics, stories or other abstract concepts, or even the grand direction of OSRS that many have deemed "dying" or "dead" over in the RSOF and other social media.

We also don't know if OP have learned something like the OSRS Survey that came up shortly after his post. Perhaps they were afraid buyable in game content with real money like Hero Pass buff or even Story Skips, as well as private servers brought up in OSRS may hit and ruin RS3 too. We just never know, but there are far, far more than just Vorkath and Zuk in OSRS that players can be consider "dead content".

BTW, Ava is pretty dead content in RS3, as most higher tier ammos are non-retrievable, and the retrievable ones are not just lower tiers but also very cheap and can be picked up easily manually anyway with the 7x7 loot area in RS3. The last of Ava and Do No Evil questline ended 13 years ago, with nobody even remotely talking about them. This is how dead that content is.

15-Dec-2023 16:37:57 - Last edited on 15-Dec-2023 17:52:21 by Dilbert2001

H 1 L D A
Apr Member 2020

H 1 L D A

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I'm starting to think you also have no idea what "dead content" even means, Dilbert.

1. Dead content is not something a singular player or even a large plurality of certain players (such as the high level community) can decide. In order for content to be considered "dead" - a vast majority of the playerbase doesn't make use of the content. That means any schmuck with early-to-mid ranged levels included.

2. If something is a passive effect, you are making use of the content once that passive is unlocked - even if you aren't using retrievable arrows (such as charge bow ammo or Elder God arrows) and even if you are making use of Area Loot. The Ring of Vigour was dead content before 'Extinction' gave it the ability to be turned into a passive effect. The ability to fletch Elder God Arrows faster from Fort Forinthry is a passive once it has been unlocked - even if you don't ever use it.

3. Dead content is not something that is "debatable" or "subjective." You can empirically determine if a piece of content is dead by asking players if they make use of the content. If most say no - there is your definitive answer.


Now, I don't think you're a dumb person, Dilbert. I think what you're doing is using OP's very-much-incorrect "opinion" to push your anti-OSRS narrative.

This guy could say something that makes zero sense and you'll eat it up (or at least try to pick and prod for clarity rather than outright ignore it) because it helps you.

I've got news for you though.

The OP just came in here and blathered about complete nonsense. RuneScape 3 -doesn't- "only use OSRS content", and the content he referenced isn't dead content. (Due to the timing of the original post - I'm 100% sure he was talking about Vorkath.)
Quest Cape Owner since 2021

- July 31st, 2022

16-Dec-2023 02:18:42

Jun Member 2006


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@H I L D A

"I'm starting to think you also have no idea what "dead content" even means, Dilbert."

If you claimed you are the only one who have the idea of what "dead content" is, I don't think there is anything left for discussion as (apparently) you are not OP who may have a very different definitions than yours.

"If something is a passive effect, you are making use of the content once that passive is unlocked"

Again, you are only looking at an NPC or item. A lot of content doesn't like stories, graphics etc don't have "passive" or "active" effects. Some content is only abstract concept, they don't even have passive effects.

"Dead content is not something that is "debatable" or "subjective."

Again, dead content is definitely subjective. For example, what you think Ava is not dead content is definitely not the case for most RS3 players, as literally retrieving not just a small pecentage of arrows/bolts, is hardly anything meaningful content as we can just stand still and retrieve 100% of everything and not just arrows/bolts in RS3 without the lowerly Ava backpack, thanks to the great 7x7 loot area update.

"Now, I don't think you're a dumb person, Dilbert. I think what you're doing is using OP's very-much-incorrect "opinion" to push your anti-OSRS narrative."

I clearly asked OP to elaborate on what they think is "dead content in OSRS". I am not pushing for anything at all. Seems like you are pushing for anti-RS3 narrative rather if you think OP and especially me who questioned OP rather are "anti-OSRS". As you are crossing the line into discussion of not just one player but multiple players, this is my only and last comment to your such comments on players personally. I will only welcome discussions of the topic, not the players. Thaks.

16-Dec-2023 17:24:35

Sep Member 2006


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H 1 L D A, you've touched on something I wanted to say: because content is "dead" to a particular player, does not equal dead content.

If we have a game in which new people are constantly joining and starting their journey with ALL the skills etc, different things will be peak-useful to them at different stages in that journey, and those things will remain viable and useful as long as there are players progressing through the system.

I haven't been to the Sorceress' Garden in years, but I will always love it as the activity that got me over the hump of the 70s, when I had hit the wall with Thieving training for a while. Does the fact that I no longer use it render it useless? No, not by a long shot.

It can be very tempting as a high level player to dismiss newer ones (on a variety of levels, lol) and their wants and needs, but if the game is to remain viable, it has to have things useful to a broader variety than the maxed.

Also not understanding the gratuitous hate for OSRS; if there were no demand for it, it wouldn't be there.

16-Dec-2023 17:30:52 - Last edited on 16-Dec-2023 17:40:37 by Crone924

H 1 L D A
Apr Member 2020

H 1 L D A

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1. I didn't claim I'm the only person who knows what "Dead content" means.
I'm stating that you and OP very clearly don't
- and that lack of knowledge has direct impetus in this thread to bait users into arguing about whether or not content from one game or the other is bad for the game simply because it's not "original."

2. "Stories" can't be considered dead content because lore is important to the game regardless of how many players are logged in, and in a game like RuneScape, that has a clear split into two games but the lore from before that split is still so important to both games, those "older" stories, that both games share by necessity, are the basis of lore added later on. Graphics can't be dead content either. If the OP doesn't like the Yak to the Basics Yak Track rewards you mentioned earlier, that's not claiming "its dead content" - it's an aesthetic opinion.

3. You have to actually "click" or "hit a key" to use Area Loot. Which is nice, yes, I use AL too, it's great, but to say a 1-action mechanic is more useful than a 0-action mechanic (Ava's Ammo Retrieval effect just puts your not-spent ammo back into your quiver with no clicks or key-presses required!) doesn't make any sense. The update in 2019 to make the retrieval effect passive now means you can wear your Zuk ranged cape and still get your ammo back click-free. Still using the passive.

4. Before some forum mod shows up - my whole gripe with the OP has been lack of factual assertion, and the tone of the OP. Context clearly indicates that the OP just doesn't like OSRS content in RS3. If calling another forum user incorrect when they are is worthy of removing my post, go right ahead - that seems rather draconian but rules are rules. What -REALLY- probably should happen is this thread should be locked - as OP doesn't seem interested in answering questions about his OP at all.

Quest Cape Owner since 2021

- July 31st, 2022

17-Dec-2023 01:03:01

H 1 L D A
Apr Member 2020

H 1 L D A

Posts: 1,666 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
5. I don't have an Anti-RS3 attitude. I want RuneScape 3 to be a great game. I would be lying if I didn't say I was worried about RS3's health - but rest assured, I want what's best for it. That's why I argue the way that I do.


And you touch on a great point yourself, because a pretty fair observation to make about the RS3 community is that it is conditioned to blaze past the early game to the late-game content, which results in the community taking the earlier-game content for granted.

If Jagex also has the same attitude, you end up getting LOTS of dead content because the company would simply release new updates elsewhere that change xp/h or have more reward incentive than the older methods. It's why refreshing older content, even if it's not "high-level" content that would get the most engagement, is very important for the game's health.
Quest Cape Owner since 2021

- July 31st, 2022

17-Dec-2023 01:18:47

Jun Member 2006


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"1. I didn't claim I'm the only person who knows what "Dead content" means. I'm stating that you and OP very clearly don't "

I definitely think different player have different meanings of "dead content". I am not sure about OP though, and please don't correlate what I wrote and what I OP wrote. I neither agree nor disagree with them because I don't know precisely what they referred to as "dead content".

""Stories" can't be considered dead content because lore is important to the game regardless of how many players are logged in, and in a game like RuneScape, that has a clear split into two games "

Stories aren't dead content, but lack of stories in an MMORPG is. Please also be advised, Jagex have far more than 2 Runescape games with stories. We have Melvor Idle as well as Idle Adventures and Chronicles in the past. They all had different stories. Dead stories in one game may not be dead content in another. For instance, we have a lot more stories regarding Zuk and Vorkath in RS3 than OSRS.

" You have to actually "click" or "hit a key" to use Area Loot."

How many times we have to click to complete the Ava storyline? Far more than 1 click, and more importantly, my 1 click to claim ALL loot from the Area Loot interface does far more than just retrieving ammos.

"my whole gripe with the OP has been lack of factual assertion, and the tone of the OP."

Ask OP then, not me. And I will suggest kindly them instead of "gripe" with them.

" I don't have an Anti-RS3 attitude. I want RuneScape 3 to be a great game. I would be lying if I didn't say I was worried about RS3's health"

Can you tell us what OSRS content makes you worried about RS3's health? I don't see anything bad at all regarding OSRS content in RS3. Waves of players complained about the Jenga OSRS GE Tax, but nobody is even talking about the damage of GE tax in RS3.

17-Dec-2023 16:42:35

Sep Member 2006


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"Can you tell us what OSRS content makes you worried about RS3's health?"

I may have missed something, i.e. where H 1 L D A said she specifically had concerns about OSRS content affecting the health of RS3?

(This is what seems to me to be some of the ubiquitous and gratuitous OSRS bashing I mentioned, but again, entirely possible that I am completely mistaken).

H 1 L D A, thank you for your kind words--we are in agreement on there needing to be something for every kind and stage of player that remains fresh and useful (even if it is not to the specific use and taste of EACH and every individual player)

17-Dec-2023 16:56:42

Jun Member 2006


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Crone924 said :
"Can you tell us what OSRS content makes you worried about RS3's health?"

I may have missed something, i.e. where H 1 L D A said she specifically had concerns about OSRS content affecting the health of RS3?

(This is what seems to me to be some of the ubiquitous and gratuitous OSRS bashing I mentioned, but again, entirely possible that I am completely mistaken).

H 1 L D A, thank you for your kind words--we are in agreement on there needing to be something for every kind and stage of player that remains fresh and useful (even if it is not to the specific use and taste of EACH and every individual player)

If H 1 L D A's concern regarding RS3 didn't have anything to do with OSRS content in RS3, then it is definitely not anything pertaining to this thread in the Recent Game Update forum.

17-Dec-2023 17:00:59

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