
why recycle osrs into rs3? Thread is locked

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Jan Member 2005


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If i recall correctly-OSRC was originally given as an alternative to the os community. It was touted as -- no updates or changes to game. It then became --we will only add/change what the community votes on. In my opinion it seems to have become the BETA tester for RS3.If updates in OS are welcomed it will eventually migrate to RS3 If you want to know what updates rs will make in the future just pay attention to updates in OS

14-Dec-2023 01:57:24

H 1 L D A
Apr Member 2020

H 1 L D A

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I honestly don't know why it surprises people when content migrates from one game to the other.

Old School RuneScape started as a backup of RuneScape from 2007. The game already existed up to a certain point in history. It still has stories it needs to complete because of such a beginning, and they have taken steps to address this issue - occasionally by nearly porting over entire batches of content from RS3.

RuneScape 3 is the less popular game of the two - and one way to encourage engagement is to drop updates that would appeal to fans of RuneScape who just happen to play Old School more often. As such, RuneScape 3 uses OSRS content from time to time. It's able to do this, because most of Gielinor, and it's NPCS for the most part, exist in both games.

Old School should have the right to complete stories any way they wish. Why would we wish any game have unfinished plot simply because the plot came from our game first?

RS3 should have the right to use OSRS content provided the team diligently incorporates such content in a fitting and believeable manner that not only does the content justice but also enhances the games own story. They've done exactly this, by using Zuk as an EDW3 general and spinning Vorkath as a tool for a necromancer.
Quest Cape Owner since 2021

- July 31st, 2022

14-Dec-2023 06:28:10 - Last edited on 14-Dec-2023 06:32:30 by H 1 L D A

Jun Member 2006


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Heinzchen said :
If i recall correctly-OSRC was originally given as an alternative to the os community. It was touted as -- no updates or changes to game. It then became --we will only add/change what the community votes on. In my opinion it seems to have become the BETA tester for RS3.If updates in OS are welcomed it will eventually migrate to RS3 If you want to know what updates rs will make in the future just pay attention to updates in OS

This is not true for a long time. OSRS have all kinds of updates. Did you do the latest OSRS survey? A big chunk of the questions is about putting all kinds of RS3 content like skills, D&Ds, stories and drum roll... even content that can be bought with money... in OSRS. That's right! It is a fact OSRS is asking their community their opinions on buyable game content with real money RS3 players are familiar with.

On the other hand, vast majority of the RS3 content is bland new ones, including new skill OSRS never had one. RS3 definitely is not copying OSRS at all. Perhaps this comment is right rather:

"The bigger problem is osrs copying rs3."
- Jeremy Cheng, Page 1, Post 10

14-Dec-2023 16:15:09 - Last edited on 14-Dec-2023 16:17:10 by Dilbert2001

H 1 L D A
Apr Member 2020

H 1 L D A

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Jagex asking customers how they would like to monetize them! More News at 6!

(This shouldn't be surprising. At least they have the curtesy to ask Old School players! *cough* Hero Pass *cough*)


When it comes to "the bigger problem is OSRS copying RS3" - I just have to ask....why?

> If you're an Old School player that is more of a "2007scaper" than an "Old Schooler", your bigger issue is updates to the game in general, not updates that are drawn from RS3. And that means you need to blame other players for joining the game but not wanting a puritanical experience and voting "Yes" on like...anything at all.

> If you don't play OSRS, why does the game taking content from the game it originated from (especially when it needs to) concern you? It shouldn't impact your RS3 experience in the slightest. At best - I could see concern that Old School would ruin beloved RS3 characters because they used them without rhyme or reason. Don't have the foggiest if it's another issue entirely.

> If you do play both games, is it the same possible concern with how Jagex handles their IP in each title like the above question?
Quest Cape Owner since 2021

- July 31st, 2022

14-Dec-2023 19:20:11

H 1 L D A
Apr Member 2020

H 1 L D A

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Finally, the annual survey Dilbert is referring to is quite similar to Community Hitlist survey we got, but perhaps broader in scope for the following two reasons:

> Old School's updates are, for the most part, dependent on player interest, whereas RS3 can green light updates without player input if they wish.

> Old School has more recurring peripheral issues to discuss:

>>> their own client vs. Runelite/HDOS
>>> the sandbox nature of OSRS (which is where the "paid" private server questions fall.)
>>> game integrity (botting/foul language/bigotry concerns)
>>> limited-time game modes (Deadman/Leagues)
>>> alternative game modes (Bronzeman/Hardcore MainScape)


The questions that are remarkable to me are definitely branching into Rs3 content beyond quests (skills such as Dungeoneering, and Jagex's own pursuit of a High-Detail graphical setting as opposed to simply just letting the community have their own graphics projects.)

It makes me wonder who exactly is the larger group of people playing Old School right now - 2007scapers? Old Schoolers? People like me who play both games? Perhaps a subset of players who think 2008-2012 was their favorite era of RS?


Question that I -WISH- the RS3 survey asked.

"If Membership cost less, would you be more likely play multiple characters?"

For me, this would be a maybe. I would be able to play an iron on Rs3, or on Old School - and if things like permanent area-locked accounts or Bronzeman were introduced into OSRS I might actually take the bait if costs were lower or membership were placed on the Jagex Account instead of individual characters.
Quest Cape Owner since 2021

- July 31st, 2022

14-Dec-2023 19:33:17

Jun Member 2006


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"Jagex asking customers how they would like to monetize them! More News at 6!"

Right! But not just more News at 6. It was more News since 2020 when OSRS polled Partnership MTX and then cancelled the poll before it was ended, said they heard the customers loud and clear and promised not to talk about it anymore.

The bigger News at 6 over in OSRS now is they aren't just talking about Partnership MTX or other forms of MTX like cosmetics that don't give advantages to the game. They are bluntly talking about how interested will OSRS players be buying in game advantages with real money.

"When it comes to "the bigger problem is OSRS copying RS3" - I just have to ask....why?"

Different players have different opinions on different games and content. For instance, OP is obviously asking why bring OSRS DEAD CONTENT into RS3, but some players think it is "popular content" in OSRS. Obviously, there are vastly different opinions among all players.

"> If you do play both games, is it the same possible concern with how Jagex handles their IP in each title like the above question?"

I play both games, and believe I know both games very well, so I think I can answer this question rather easily. RS3 and OSRS are apple and orange actually. OSRS is not one single game but a bunch of unrelated private servers. Most of the OSRS "popular updates" are just recycled old content. One update like Leagues often excludes other major update in the same time frame. For instance, Mod Markos told us GIM pushed Leagues from its original timeslot until the former was finished. We definitely can't run RS3 this way. RS3 is a de facto MMORPG with all kinds diversified content for a diversified community. Traditional MMORPG content from OSRS may not be bad in RS3, but if they put all those DMM, Leagues and the potential private serves in RS3, it will not be great to the health of the forever game.

14-Dec-2023 22:58:03

Jun Member 2006


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Moreover, in case if you missed it, we actually had a simular RS3 Survey last month, but the focus was more on what new future updates the community wants to see. The RS3 survey wasn't just on suggesting a bunch of new updates either. They asked us to rank our choices from 1 to 5. It was quite details on upcoming goodies.

They did talk about MTX too, but not on buying advantages with real money like what was being talked in the OSRS survey. Afterall, RS3 already promised the community even if they add a new reward system, there will be no buying buffs and rewards. There was also no RS3 polls on private servers. Perhaps Jagex are confident RS3 can go on as a forever game on its own, without dividing the community into numerous private servers.

What also absented in the RS3 survey was polls on community toxicity. They did ask plenty of questions regarding toxicity and bad experience over specific game update in OSRS, but nothing such at alll in RS3.

The different questions in the RS3 and OSRS surveys also told us the two games are very different, and Jagex know and treat them very differently, so they are unlikely just to blindly copy content over the 2 games. I think they will be careful to just copy the ones that are good for the other game.

14-Dec-2023 23:07:16 - Last edited on 14-Dec-2023 23:28:41 by Dilbert2001

H 1 L D A
Apr Member 2020

H 1 L D A

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"OP was talking about bringing over dead-content, but other players believe Vorkath is worth doing."

Yeah, and our friend AFK must have been AFK'ing a bit too hard, because Vorkath in OSRS:

>> Is one of the fastest solo moneymaking bosses in the game.

>> Is a required stop for anyone using an Ava's device, as Vorkath's Head is an untradeable upgrade component for the Assembler.

I mean, I believe you might play OSRS too - but if you know so much I would have expected you to know those two points above. This is -not- a subjective matter. OP just doesn't know OSRS.

They're asking about monetizing things again! an annual survey... about things like owning private servers... which already give Jagex external competitors anyway (it's kinda the same reason Bonds are essentially gold-buying but through Jagex instead of around them. Can't get rid of 'em - join 'em.)

Surveys are used to gauge interest anyway. I also thought it wasn't a worthy idea to pursue and let Jagex know. I believe most RS players would do the same. If you wanna go play a private server you can do that already by not playing RuneScape.

I get why it was asked. Things like Minecraft and the like exist and OSRS does kind of work as a Sandbox, and there are creative people out there that through things like Runelite show what RS could be with a little less restrictions. RS3 is more of a single-player RPG experience, probably much harder to recreate, and probably has less demand for private servers.

I believe Jagex would just copy content from one game to another if it is seen as beneficial.

Quest Cape Owner since 2021

- July 31st, 2022

15-Dec-2023 00:25:04 - Last edited on 15-Dec-2023 00:25:33 by H 1 L D A

Jun Member 2006


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@H 1 L D A

Did you notice OP never specified what OSRS dead content he was referring to and I asked them to tell us more? We can' t assume they only meant Vorkath, and even so, they could mean Vorkath is dead content because its mechanic is boring in the sense that KBD is dead content because it is boring and not because they drop something useful like Visage. They could also mean Ava is dead content too because we have far superior Zuk, Klin and Max Cape in RS3 for eons.

You could vote yes, no or don't bother to MTX with buyable advantages and private servers, but you can deny Jagex expressed their such interests in OSRS, and not RS3. You can't deny they have different ideas for RS3 and OSRS. That's a major point why the two games are so different. That's also why dead content in OSRS may not be dead content in RS3 at all.

15-Dec-2023 01:48:45 - Last edited on 15-Dec-2023 01:52:15 by Dilbert2001

H 1 L D A
Apr Member 2020

H 1 L D A

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There is literally only two even remotely outstanding examples of content that has been brought over from OSRS to RS3.

> Vorkath,
who as I just said, is an effective solo moneymaker and a requirement for the best ranged cape slot item in OSRS.
It's not a mechanical issue either. "Boring" mechanics in OSRS are literally the same for nearly every encounter in that game. Positioning, prayer upkeep, DPS. You would have to say "every" boss encounter in OSRS is dead content by that regard...and that's not how that quote even remotely works.

> Zuk,
who literally holds OSRS' best melee cape.

Neither of those are dead content. Either way you wanna slice it, the OP didn't know what they were even talking about!


Again, it's one thing to ask players in an annual survey if you want to monetize certain aspects of the game just to check interest (It's gonna get panned - Old Schoolers don't put up with MTX if you're just going to ask them about it.)

They don't even ask RS3 players because they just do what they did with Hero Pass and force it down our throats
- then make us complain about it before retracting it.

If they want to ask about business models, I'd give 'em a listen and try to understand why they would do that. For either game. I'd probably still vote no if I didn't want to pay for it myself. And that's how my response in the survey unfolded.

Jagex wanting to make money is not some kind of illuminating insidious secret about Old School. The game will only actually go through with it when Jagex is truly strapped for cash (or) if players are on board with it.
Quest Cape Owner since 2021

- July 31st, 2022

15-Dec-2023 02:26:52 - Last edited on 15-Dec-2023 02:27:29 by H 1 L D A

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