sleeping beyond 4am is sleeping in.
I use to work till 3am, 4am was bed time.
"When history witnesses a great change, Razgriz reveals itself... first, as a dark demon. As a demon, it uses its power to rain death upon the land, and then it dies. However, after a period of slumber, Razgriz returns, this time, as a great hero"
If you have a chance, add me in game, I'd like to talk.
My private's always been on although my list has essentially been dead for years so I've fell out of the habit of checking and effectively using it.
I added you though, so just gives us a shout as it's become second nature of ignoring the log in/offs of people I did add since returning two years ago as they've never said anything beyond the initial meeting. Other than one person who I know personally who also returned to the game that's about the only person I would talk to via PM from time to time.