n iii ck
A really tough night. Hoping good will prevail, but I'll live to forum another day.
Need to run and pick the kids up.
This is so under the radar, its brilliant. I really think you might be onto something here. But I digress, I need to take the recycling bin out.
I failed to keep my New Year's resolution before I even made it.
Only 32 days until Halloween. That must be responsible for this spooky discovery.
Speaking of Halloween, what type of thing does everyone do for halloween?
Do you go all out for it because it is your favourite event of the year or do you lock up the doors and turn off the lights so that nobody comes knocking at the door wanting sweets and money!
Me personally I've never been a fan of halloween since an incident that happened when I was 13 (abouts) and some bully group of teenagers put a firework through the letterbox of my mums house, then they knocked on the door, lit the firework and ran away thinking they were hilarious.
I was nearly the victim of the thing flying into the house and causing me skin burns, because as a 13yr old I wanted to be the one who went to the door and who gave the trick or treaters the sweets. Ever since that incident I don't like Halloween or Bonfire night much at all.
^ this, for the most part, unfortunately. Although since moving to a relatively new area a few years ago where there happens to be lots of young families, we do get the odd trick-or-treater.
edit: despite not celebrating it in person I'm still gonna change my RSN for it next month lol
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29-Sep-2017 10:22:25
- Last edited on
29-Sep-2017 10:30:51