Happy Friday everyone. Hope you all have a great weekend.
If you plan doing the Yak Track hope you do better then me. I'm on task 11. Slow going for me with limited time to play these days. I'll get there in the end hopefully.
King Noob X
Congratulations Aslon. I can't say I persevered in my lower skills.
Thank you, King Noob X! At first, it just started shaping up that way. Then, I decided to focus more on my lowest skills. As a result, I now find myself with an 11-way tie for my lowest skill.
In each of those skills, I need just 2 more levels to get them to 99. Add in those 22 levels in Dungeoneering, and I am 44 skill levels from being a maxed F2P.
Plus whatever F2P will be able to do with Necromancy.
Good luck Aslon! I'll pray for you
I appreciate that, Icedlala! Thank you kindly.
When The Beach event comes around, I spend as much time as possible in The DG Hole. Anything to avoid actual Dungeoneering!
Actually, as much as I like complaining about it, Dungeoneering has been improved somewhat since the early years. I remember when free players with 90+ combat level were punished with a 50% penalty on Dungeoneering XP simply for committing the heinous crime of not buying membership. Thank Guthix that disincentive is no longer in the game!
Aslon Dak: Still 'Scaping after 19 years!
You can buy XP. You can't buy experience.
Save the RSOF!
I loved when dungeoneering came out but didn't know about that penalty until I tried playing with my younger brother who was f2p it was a real bummer. Thank goodness they corrected that