It has been quite a week for me in-game. This week I got Fishing level 98 and Cooking level 97. Then on Thursday I reached Dungeoneering level 94.
It's also been quite a week for the band Duran Duran. After winning the fan vote for the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, they will be one of the acts inducted into the R&R HOF this November.
It was also during this week back in 1984 that Duran Duran were at #1 on the British charts for the second straight week with the song which became the band's best-selling single ever: The Reflex.
In recognition of all of the above, a RuneScape version of The Reflex has now been posted to RuneScapian Rhapsody, the thread Trewavas has here in General. Apologies and congratulations to DD!
Good luck with your goals, and enjoy your weekend.
Aslon Dak, in charge of finding treasure in the dark
Aslon Dak: Still 'Scaping after 19 years!
You can buy XP. You can't buy experience.
Save the RSOF!
my acnt got perm banned and I was so confused because I hadn't played in so long and wanted to again. its been flagged for a jmod now but man was I worried lol. All these years and I'd forgotten the game had a forum until yesterday after I appealed the ban.
yeah I kept hearing about some game people were playing but i guess it wasnt that.
Me too! I feel like whoever took the account probably destroyed a lot of my items, from what I've read recently it seems fairly common. it sucks because they somehow got past the auth. Not sure how though, i'm the only one with this phone lol. But it is what it is right? I'm fine as long as I can at least get my account back and useable.
It could be through a compromised email account. Make sure you also activate authentication on your email itself, as it will add an extra layer of security. I personally have an account that I only use for RS, with authenticator active on both it
my RS account.