Dong U Dead
Nice seeing gold post in here occasionally
Hope you all enjoying your weekend
Thanks - slightly more enjoying mine now as I just fixed my sleep schedule
Weathers been poor with thunders and rain pouring lately. Hows it over there?
Life is like a camera: Just
on what's important,
the good times,
from the negatives, and if things don't work out,
take another shot
Hope you survive the war, Aslon.
Thanks Dark Gaia.
I had another blood draw this afternoon, so I'll get another report from the battlefield in a few days.
Aslon Dak: Still 'Scaping after 19 years!
You can buy XP. You can't buy experience.
Save the RSOF!
After tomorrow, I'll be two weeks in to this six-week infusion schedule. All these antibiotics are making me a bit tired and nauseous, but I have a good team working on this. Also, it helps to have RS as a distraction.
I might do some cooking during 1.2XP LIVE. Pretty sure my stomach will stand that.
Thanks again for your kind words. Be well.
Aslon Dak: Still 'Scaping after 19 years!
You can buy XP. You can't buy experience.
Save the RSOF!
CM Arbor
Happy Friday everyone! Best of luck with your roads to recovery, bingo playing, and all sorts of weekend plans.
Thanks Arbor.
My weekend was good. Hopefully you are doing well.
Aslon Dak: Still 'Scaping after 19 years!
You can buy XP. You can't buy experience.
Save the RSOF!
Now that The Beach has ended, I've changed back into my rune armor.
Good Guthix, that sand gets into everything!
I suppose I could try casting Air Blast on my gear.
Aslon Dak: Still 'Scaping after 19 years!
You can buy XP. You can't buy experience.
Save the RSOF!