Aslon Dak
Aslon Dak
You've been a busy guy, Scouse (at least until the ladies were sent packing), so it makes sense you'd have to be mindful of your time.
Would it be to much if i claimed my undying love for you "purely friendly, no gayness" not that being gay is a problem.
But i feel a weird liking towards you, kinda like you get me and my silly ways.
Just a fuckin shame more people don't get me that way and always try to find some reason to accuse me of something rather than just laugh it off.
No names, purple is a colour, not a fuckin law.
Much love
Scouse - Bare ass gif
Thank you, Scouse. Yeah, I hear you. I do appreciate your postings, Mr. Friday, and obviously I am not the only one who does so.
Cheers mate
[qfc id=]whatever[/qfc]
August 15th 2017, the day Jagex freed me
Liverpool is love, Liverpool is life