@Molly Weazly - I have a hospital appointment at some stage once lockdown is finished, they say in a few months. I did have an appointment last week, so they did a phone call consultation.
I'll make use of some of my stored protean items - logs to raise Fletching, hides to raise Crafting, and bars to train Smithing. That last one should prove to be interesting, since I'm pretty close to getting my first virtual level as a pure F2P - 100 Smithing!
I'd also like to find time for some PvM.
However, my main focus for this DXP Weekend will be Mining. At the start of 2020, I set 99 Mining as one of my goals for this year. My plan has been to reach:
- 97 Mining by 3/31/20 (I got that on 3/29/20)
- 98 Mining by 7/31/20
- 99 Mining by 12/31/20
I expect I should have no problem getting 98 Mining during DXP Weekend, more than two months ahead of schedule. Right now, I am 53,650 XP away - and I have 425,666 BXP on Mining. So yeah, it's looking really good.
May you reach your own goals for this extended DXP Weekend. Happy 'Scaping!
Aslon Dak: Still 'Scaping after 19 years!
You can buy XP. You can't buy experience.
Save the RSOF!