Didn't they just keep saying parliament kept blocking them? Now they have a majority, they can't get blocked by them. They have the power to do what they want, even if that means leaving with no deal at all. That was the whole point of the "Get Brexit Done" chant, to secure a majority to get it done.
It's possible it was just used as a winning tactic. If that's true, it worked very well. It secured them a huge win.
We'll just have to wait and see what happens. It does seem too good to be true that Brexit will really be done when stated, but I suppose it is possible. Only time will tell.
Sucks for the people that are considered most vulnerable though. They're going to suffer the most (possibly even more so than ever before) under full-powered Conservatives for 5 whole years.
14-Dec-2019 00:27:11
- Last edited on
14-Dec-2019 00:30:37