Is this a good idea? Have a one time switch over from either Old School to Runescape 3 or vise versa. Everything has to be turned to money (Gp), non tradable items get left behind. The only items The only things that your account gets from getting switch over is your skills, quest and money (Gp). I understand if this bad idea, but I think this is a fair Idea because 1. People want to play Old School but they do not want to start over or they want to Play Runescape 3 but do not want to start over. 2) This brings a lot of new players back that got tired of the game because they were max out on Old School but want to play Runescape 3 or they Played Runescape six years ago want to play again but all their friends play on Old School and He/She does not want to be way behind on their stats compared to the friend. 3) I believe this does not bother anyone because they did equal amount of work and time into the game but simple just want to switch over for a reason. I want to know if this is a bad idea or a good idea that could be updated in the game in the future.
01-Oct-2019 03:10:04