Figured since I use it all the time, I should
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Kings Eastwood in
, and THE
music by Trewavio Morricone
argonlike armor cannot be reobtained... I checked the wiki on this but didn't see anything before I passed the point of no return. well it was fun running around with bootleg daemonheim armor
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oh i just remembered, i used the wiki to do the twilight of the gods quest. there's a part where you need to go to solak in the quest and so i clicked the lost grove article to find out the best way to get there. the wiki lists various methods to get there... well that's great and all but it forgets the most easiest and fastest method!! just create a group and set the group to solak for a free teleport directly there. actually i was kind of dumbfounded this was missing like it actually suggests the fairy ring near the ogres hunting chompy birds???
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19-Mar-2023 01:26:04
- Last edited on
19-Mar-2023 01:27:45
I added the grouping system trick to the Lost Grove article, it surely sounds handy!
What happens with the argonlike armour during/after the quest? Can you keep it, or is it automatically taken from you?
Kings Eastwood in
, and THE
music by Trewavio Morricone
I have amended the two wiki pages for special logs, as a bit of testing has shown you can still talk to a sawmill operator with two of them in your inventory to convert logs free of charge.
I also edited a page about the completionist title with some extra information regarding a bug.