Mod Matthe
Clan name: Silent Knight
Owner name: Touseour
Dep Owner: Rzous
Use to be a top 10 overall ranked clan until our leader left. I am the previous owner as well. Please let me try and save my clan.
Your Clan Leader has logged in in the last six months so you do not currently meet the criteria - I would recommend reapplying in about a months time if your Clan Leader has not returned.
Requesting the change again.
Clan name: Silent Knight
Owner name: Touseour
Dep Owner: Rzous
Your Clan meets the criteria for removal of an Inactive Clan Owner - I will pass it to the relevant team to complete.
Mod MattHe |
Former Community Manager, now in Events & occasional Lore Monkey
Clan name: Bonded
Owner name: Deathripper
Deputy Owner: Fat Snorlax
Hello, we have an interesting situation here. This clan has been around for 3+ years and the leader fairly recently abandoned the clan. Initially she was going to appoint a new leader but instead she left completely and quit runescape. When she left, the leadership was swapped to her son. Her son then quit and the leadership swapped to an inactive clan member named "DeathRipper". We have already lost 1/3+ of the clan members. Any longer and the clan will be completely disbanded. The new "leader" has never talked and is a very inactive member that should have been kicked from the clan anyway. If you ask the clan members, they have all voted that they would like it transfered to Fat Snorlax, myself. Please help! Thanks!
I am also a Deputy Owner of Bonded. Please check if we meet the criteria for inactive clan leader and if so transfer ownership to Fat Snorlax. Thank you
Your current Clan Owner is not an inactive member - they last logged in within the last month and as such your Clan does not the required criteria.
Mod MattHe |
Former Community Manager, now in Events & occasional Lore Monkey
He isnt our clan leader. He was randomly appointed when our clan leader abandoned. We need to appoint an actual leader or our clan will cease to exist. We lose members daily. If you choose to not help us, and make us wait an entire year, then please come into our clan chat and explain how jagex does not care and then proceed to delete our Clan from Runescape. I dont want to have to explain this to them myself.
Thank you.
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Do you have
any advice
for when your
clan leader has vanished?
Two of the other Deputy Owners are his own personal accounts? The only other deputy owner,
, does not have certain options for the citadel, forum, and/or other clan changes/settings.
We have members wanting to leave because they do not believe will survive since the clan owner is missing.
12-Dec-2015 00:45:44
- Last edited on
12-Dec-2015 00:49:08
Our clan leader left the clan because he had been hacked. when he left one of the deputy owners became leader, he is inactive and we haven't spoken to him in a while. I am the other deputy owner and we need a new clan leader.
Can i become the new clan leader to keep my clan up?
clan name: elite undertakers
owner: yeezy west (nonmember) ive only seen online once for 5 minutes... several months ago...
deputy owners: king jack, orth... last i seen them was coincidentally the same time owner logged on...
overseer: xtinaamarie... logs on once every couple weeks... can barely get her to say hi in clan chat...
and im 5th highest ranked in clan at coordinator...
i didn* want it to come to this, but several in my clan has asked about it, and said i should be leader... or that im leading a leaderless clan...
we have almost 500 clan members, i recruit daily to keep it active, and make sure upkeep is met at our tier 7 citadel... but theres things i cant do at my rank... i cant even make new events...
idk if we meet the reqs, but i told them i wud try, i try to do everything i can for the clan... they also want me to be a pmod too lol, but theres no application for that like there is this... so this is the best i can do...
they all look up to me and treat me as leader anyway and said theyd follow me if i made a new clan instead.... but this clan has been around for years, and id rather continue to try to save this 1...
i feel i been doing good at keeping it active and not letting it completely die... but its not the same and just doesnt look good that no1 in clan has seen or even heard of our owner and deputy owners...
i wouldnt object to stepping down on their return... but for now, we need an active owner...
and no matter your decision, feel free to guest in our chat and say hi
"from minimum wage to In Third-Age"
"proud owner of Elite Undertakers"
lol... ten minutes after posting that, word spread around and our owner logged on
finally got to talk to him for the 1st time lol...
i even got me a nice promo to deputy owner
still... feel free to guest in chat and say hi, meet some new ppl, make some new friends
"from minimum wage to In Third-Age"
"proud owner of Elite Undertakers"