Clan name: Restless Dreams
inactive clan owner rsn: 0ntari0
New clan owner's RSN: BaconZilla96
Additional information: our original leader had meant for me to become the leader of the clan, since I was the only one who was even semi active. But when he left the clan in, auto promoted the other person to leader since they were a dept owner before I was. I know personally that they have not been on since at least April, as that is the last time they were active in the discord server that we have. I just want to get to the position of owner so that I can give the clan members who have earned the rank that I hold as dept owner while taking care of the clan their appropriate titles and have they help out with the full running of the clan. As for the last time the current clan leader has logged in, I do not know that for sure, but I do know they had no intentions of actually running the clan themselves. If there are any more questions, I know you have my email, so please reach out so that we can get this matter settled. Thank you for your time.
28-Oct-2022 03:05:41