I was watching a few videos about honest Hot/cold x2 guy and thought I'd give it a shot! I saw a level 138 with full bandos and asked to see that he could double the 50 mil had I won, he showed me 600 mil and I imagine he had made a lot of money hosting. Needless to say, my flowers showed up, I had won yet he had logged off. I didn't really mind because I begin my phase 1 training for the army on Monday so I will have very little time to play anyway. But if I wasn't joining the army. Through this transaction (I am fully aware my stupidity was nearly entirely the reason I lost this money) it would have changed my view on how to get money. I almost certainly would have either scammed to get my money back or botted. It's a dangerous game which I imagine is causing a lot of people to quit or scam others.
15-Jun-2012 12:19:15