Team scamming has been the bane of my rs existence. Team scamming is unfortunately extremely convincing and effective, but you almost never know that it's a team scam until after you get scammed. Example: I was desperate for money, as always, and some guy was "making a vid" saying he was quitting rs. He "found" two others to take part in the "giveaway", unbeknownst to me, they were his buddies working with him. The guy wanted to have us first give him our most valuable things, then he'll give us 3 mil in return. Something about taking risks in life, etc. The others went first, obviously, and gave their stuff, got 3 mil, showed it to me, and "left". So then it was my turn. I stupidly gave the scammer my rune g and he, of course, promptly logged out. I tried desperately pming the other guy, but the other guy said his younger bro was using his account then. Right.
Another team scam I fell victim to was this: a user was "making a vid" of cool outfits people were wearing, and he was paying people 500k to be in it. Dead ringer for a luring scam, but I didn't know that at the time, and hey, I was once again desperate for money. So the guy "recruited" others to take part; his buddies, of course. he led us to a wilderness area (dead ringer for a scam, once again) and wanted us to get in to make the vid. By this time, though, the vid part was apparently put aside, and he resorted to a cheesy doubling item glitch scam that we had to go in the wildy for. I stayed back, trying to play it safe. Finally, it was only me, him, and his buddy. He reverted to laying piles of money on the ground to lure me in the wildy, and a higher lvl player came by and saw what we were doing. He said this was all a scam and managed to take one of the piles of gp (lol). He saw that the scammer used telegrab, and said "u must be pking if you have law runes." I didn't believe him, unfortunately, and I got killed after trying to take a pile of gp. Scammer and his buddy blocked tele, so I died.
17-May-2012 05:31:22