I noticed for attack, you included an "exp + cash" section for profitable skilling, as well as "locations" section for cooking. Perhaps you can standardize this for all the skills, and if some things don't apply for others, have a "misc notes" section at the end for any additional comments.
Jowynn - THANKS! I have added all of your suggestions to the posts.
Multi - Noted your suggestion, plan to incorporate soon. I will make a profit section, best location to perform skill as well as a tricks and tips for any misc info.
Keep up the suggestions and information guys! Whoop.
Method; xp/h to make all the extremes for ovl is 600-700k/h and ovl is 1.3-1.6m/h
Bonbloc manage to do 1.3k ovls without mousekeys while zarfot did 1.6k ovls with mousekeys.
I can't fill in the xp/gp since I got all the xp rates from bonbloc/zarfot yt guide :c
Charm sprites are 150k/h+
Profit(attention required)
Glacors 500-600k/h(dual virtus), 650-700k/h(dual seis)
Above xp rates depends on how well you use your abilities.
Familiar; Pack yak/Steel titan
Abyss barraging/bursting 500k/h, 300k/h respectively.
I don't know what gear is needed for abyss since I never do them, exp rates are obtained from yt guide and clannies
Familiar; Clan avatar
Gear; first age outfit(TH)
Method; Assuming 1500 bones/hr...
Frosts would be 945k xp/hr
Dragons would be 378k xp/hr
Method; When mining using the quick hop method is more efficient that switching rocks because that takes more time than quick hopping even twice. Urns and lava titans have extremly good benefits and can increase your mining xp very much. While doing this method you should have the super heat option on your ability bar and the drop gold bars option on your ability bar. this will make it easiar to superheat and much more faster to drop gold bars which means greater experience per hour. It can also be to your benefit to use the querymaster aura every 3 hours as it will help you gain even faster exp. when superheating can be cast every 1.2 seconds. When banking you should use tokkul-zo and quickly grab a new set of urns and a new lava titan using mouse keys too save those extra ticks(preset). You should be able to get 100k mining, 80k smith/magic xp. 1 stone, 3 birds. xD
Tl;dr version
1.Make a preset of your mining inventory(urns+pouch)
2.Mine the ore->superheat->drop with ability bar
3.Qh if ore has been depleted, you can easily use a popular fc for qhing
4.Repeat step 2
5.Teleport via tokkul-zo for banking to restock your urns/pouch if needed
6.Repeat step 2
Hunting lava geysers are very high xp/h too but I'm not sure about it.
Aura; Penance
1.Chinning at Abyss, 300k/h++. This is with full armadyl, six age ring, ava's alerter, red chin, Oh-Chaotic cbow, royal bolts, ovls.
2.Waterfiends, decent crimson charm, 150k/*++
Gear; Full master runecrafter robes from G.O.P minigame
Method; doing nodes and hunting them is about 100k/h, without yellow wizard
Familiar; You can't bring ava into runespan so 6% is impossible. On ava world is a maximum 3% xp boost
Domination -
Fashion Moderator
14-Jun-2014 05:38:31
- Last edited on
14-Jun-2014 05:39:36
Because this is a 200m guide, I assume one would already have 99 smith. So...
Method; Smith Rune 2h, 150k/h xp with low gp/xp cost(around 1-2gp/xp, varies)
Stealing creation hammer helps a lot. Scroll of efficiency is highly recommended.
Attack/Strength/Defence/Constitution pretty much shares the same method.
Outfit; Full shaman from TH
Quick way to use your charms; when training summoning you should use the taverly method where there is a store to sell all your pouches and your second ingredients. you can use up to 10k charms per hour with this method making it much faster than the kyatt method.