Considering I have never tried it at Pest Control, I cannot give you an accurate answer. It's multi combat so that's a plus but I am not 100% sure.
Why don't you try and get back at us here so I can update it and give you the appropriate credit?
What I have found out at Pest Control, in the Intermediate boat, is that 72 Range, using Red Chinchompas is that you get a score of around 900-2100. My personal highest score was 2159. So, I would reccommend going to P.C., because in about 30-45 minutes, I got 15k exp.
I would like to ask, how is it with auto attacking of those skelletons.
Do they auto attack me for the entire time (I plan to bring 2k chins every trip as well as 19 pray pots) or is there something I have to do after some time in order make them auto attacking me again ?
- Spectra47 -
Elrond808 - Thanks for checking.
Spectra47 - At first, they will attack you automatically. After a certain time, within minutes, they will stop attacking you. When this happens, you will have to either move backwards or forward until you see more skeletons that will of course attack you.
If those skeletons you see away from the ones were at are attacking you, then, they have become aggressive again and those will be automatically attacking you.
im currently in 92 ranged, going for 99
but im wondering how long it will take me to 99 range
i currently use the chaos tunnel for my chinning
i also have 8k chins sadly lol, what lvl will that take me to?
Heey u remember me?
Well i will use red chins by apetoll with full void.
i will do this from 95 range to 99 range and want to know how much red chins i need.
can u help me plz.
vis man 1000!
X Chaos0 - The 'how long' part really depends on how many hours you put into training. I estimated the time that it took me based at Ape Atoll, not Chaos Tunnel.
Rest assured that if you have the supplies, it shouldn't take you long, specially if you are in the 90s Ranged level.
That 8,000 Red Chincompas would take you to 95 Ranged, according to my calculations.
Vis Man 1000 - Hey. You will need 29,000 Red Chinchompas.
Spectra47 - Notice the following scenario.
There are three spots [the best ones] located one after the other at Ape Atoll. Let's say you're attack them in one spot. They stop attacking you.
In order for them to attack you again, in other words, become aggressive, you would have to move to the next OR previous spot full of skeletons so those can attack you.
If they do, that means the skeletons that weren't attacking you because they weren't aggressive anymore will attack you again.
Does that make sense?