Really nice guide!
Can you check my calculations , because I am lvl 94 ranged going for 98 and I have 14m.So far its all ok.
However , I calculated it would cost me only 11m in chins (no pots) to get 98 ranged.Can you please check my calcs:
I`ll be wearing full ranger void and I used 210 Xp per chin in calculations(is it that much).Also can you tell my how much will my pots cost?
Hello, all! Sorry I'm late - lots of snow outside!
I am Amazinn:
Unfortunately, the calculations of the Red Chincompas only comes to 13,083,000. That's without Prayer potions. I am not sure how many Prayer potions you will use - since this varies from player to player - but I recommend you buy them by packs - for example, start with 50 and then you will get an idea on how many you will be utilizing.
Buyinp would be really useful to keep you fully restored. If you decide to bring Tortoise, you will need to have extra pouches on your inventory. Either way, you will benefit but it is up to you which one you choose to bring!
You will use about 1,500-2,000 each round - a bit more on some occasions!
Good luck!
Ranger - Be the Guardian
It's all on page 1, post 10 - that's the method I have been using all along since I created the thread and to answer the questions everyone has asked. If you read it, you will get it!
yeah I read it .. and by my calcs I will spend 11.5m at most for the chins.
Ty for answering all my annoying questions!
Again - awsome thread very well explained
Hey, Nice guide, just one thing. In the reccomended gear, I suggest switching ava's accumaltor (+2 range attack) for an Ardougne Cape 3 (+6 prayer) or if you have it, a Soul Wars cape (+12 prayer) this may not seem like much, but i think +12 prayer makes your prayer last twice as long as with 0 prayer bonus, thus saving on prayer pots.