
+=+ VANYAR +=+ The Elf Clan ++

Quick find code: 93-94-91-56592155

noooo way jr

noooo way jr

Posts: 249 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Name:candace (fireflash898)
Combat Level(P2P):103
Attack Level:76
Strength Level:82
Defence Level:76
Hitpoints Level:79
Ranged Level:71
Prayer Level:62
Magic Level:82
Summoning Level:45
Will you follow our rules?yes
Will you attend 2 or more events a week as well as bump the clan thread when you can?yes
Will you treat ALL other clan members with respect?yes
Have you read the first two pages of this thread?yes
Will you be able to make events in the USA/Canada Eastern Timezone?yes
If someone recruited you, who was it?
Comments: umm hi there :]

09-Aug-2008 17:05:15

noooo way jr

noooo way jr

Posts: 249 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Step II.
Have your read our rules?: yes
Prove it! (by posting information requested):
What is a clan perma-ban offence? kick out of clan
What does "self membership" own? im not shure
Will you "bump" or post on forums daily as best you can, and attend at least two events per week? yes
How did you come to learn of Vanyar? Referral or invitation by: (who?) looking for a clan to join and found one
Do you have a special area of interest? (Skill you excel at, or activity you like to do): woodcut!
What do you hope to gain or achieve as a member of Vanyar?friends and things to do with others and 99 wc
Are you interested in helping to develop our War Division (95+)? If so, tell us in what way, and give us a run down of any past experience you may have in that area? umm i love to fight lol.
What can you do to help make the clan better (a job, skill, contribution, etc)? i can help with quests, i beat them all
What Quests of note have you done or plan on doing?
none, i beat them all already
Do you have a player house suitable for meetings?yes
What features does your house have? chairs :*
What minigames do you prefer and/or would be prepared to help lead? trouble brewing

Step III.
On my word of honor – I do hearby swear and pledge my loyalty to each and every member of Vanyar. I will be active and uphold all rules that have been set before me. I will add Clan Leaders and Junior and Senior Council members to my friends list. I understand that everything I do from this moment forth is a reflection on my clan, and I promise to do nothing to embarrass, jeopardize, or shed a negative light on this clan or my fellow clan members/brother/sisters in any way.
******* cuts finger and signs in sacred blood*******
My word is my bond,

(NOTE: post this application in *two replies* as you will need to!

09-Aug-2008 17:09:38

Alch Primal
Jan Member 2007

Alch Primal

Posts: 5,073 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Hello Fireflash...

welcome to Vanyar - look out for update to events list that will be underway (when I stop playing for long enough...)
Let me ask one thing - did you copy'n'paste part of another clan's application here?? I ask because, if you are trying to join more than one clan at the same time it is *not* a good thing. So, is Vanyar the intended clan for you???
Of so - welcome!! Add me - of course - and we will see you ingame in a bit.

10-Aug-2008 01:48:37 - Last edited on 10-Aug-2008 01:55:12 by Alch Primal

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