What do you hope to gain or achieve as a member of Vanyar?
Are you interested in helping to develop our Warrior Division (95+)? If so, tell us in what way, and give us a rundown of any past experience you may have in that area?
What can you do to help make the clan better (a job, skill, contribution, etc)?
What Quests of note have you done or plan on doing?
Do you have a player house suitable for meetings?
What features does your house have?
What minigames do you prefer and/or would be prepared to help lead?
Part III.
On my word of honor – I do hearby swear and pledge my loyalty to each and every member of Vanyar. I will be active and uphold all rules that have been set before me. I will add Clan Leaders and Junior and Senior Council members to my friends list. I understand that everything I do from this moment forth is a reflection on my clan, and I promise to do nothing to embarrass, jeopardize, or shed a negative light on this clan or my fellow clan members/brother/sisters in any way.
******* cuts finger and signs in sacred blood*******
My word is my bond,
______<insert your username here> _____
(NOTE: post this application in *two replies* as you will need to!
17-May-2008 05:37:14
- Last edited on
03-Feb-2010 01:20:03
Alch Primal