Welcome to the Discontinued Item Vault (DIV). We are a group of like-minded individuals who are gathering together to remove rares from the game. Forever. The idea behind the DIV is simple yet extremely challenging. Put short and blunt : This is not for everyone. I will explain our process in simple steps.
1. Buy a rare/discontinued item
2. Store it in your bank/keepsake it
Challenge yourself and devote all your resources towards acquiring and locking more rares
. This is vital as the perceived price for these rares will increase and present exponential difficulty in acquiring them.
4. Remove it from circulation forever i.e
never sell
Current list of rares to be removed :
Lowers: green/blue/red/rsh/bsh
Edibles: egg/pumpkin/disk/wine
Xmas: mht/oht/scythe/wreath
Hats: purple/yellow/green/red/white/blue/cracker
Disclaimer : As a DIV owner, you are expected to set yourself apart from everyone else in the general ideas of consumption.
DIV does not require, rely or depend upon the participation, support or effort of anyone outside the group.
~Due to unfortunate delays, this thread is a work in progress and will be completed within 24 hours~
Before you buy/sell a rare, read this :
Discontinued Items for Dummies