Greetings and salutations Church oƒ Saradomin.
I am Ambasador Exar II Esq (Exar) from ROS (Republic Of Swords)
As stated above I have been appointed the new ambasador to the Church of Saradomin and if there is anything I (or our clan) can do for you, then please do not hessitate to ask us. I shall be visiting your clan chat at some point to meet your leaders and clanmates and to introduce myself officialy. I look forward to meeting your clan and working with you in the near future.
So from the republic of Swords: Enjoy your day.
Ambasador Exar II Esq
Quick find code: 93-94-89-62780411
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.º¸.::.:..¨º•¸.:.::º¸.:.::.¨*•¸ ..:.º¸::..¤† One Nation †¤..::¸º.:.::..¸•*¨.::.:.¸º::.:.¸•º¨.::..¸º
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24-Aug-2011 02:29:51