Greetings again from the Republic of Swords
Can you guys change your clan chat name from'JJ The Sage' to 'Church of Saradomin' on your clan detail and allow guests to talk in your chat, as I can join your chat but not communicate with your leaders.
Ambasador Exar II Esq
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.¸º...:::.:..:.º›;¸¸¸;‹º.:..:::..::º¸Republic Of The Swords¸°.:..::..:.º›;¸¸¸;‹º..:..:.:::::.º¸
.º¸.::.:..¨º•¸.:.::º¸.:.::.¨*•¸ ..:.º¸::..¤† One Nation †¤..::¸º.:.::..¸•*¨.::.:.¸º::.:.¸•º¨.::..¸º
..::º›;¸¸¸;‹º..:..::.º›;¸¸¸;‹º›;¸¸;‹º..::.:.For the people..:.::..º›;¸¸;‹º›;¸¸¸;‹º..::...º›;¸¸¸;‹º
24-Aug-2011 17:29:38
- Last edited on
25-Aug-2011 14:51:51
E x a r