You act like I don't know what I am doing, like I haven't dealt with people like this before. It is quite the opposite actually. I have dealt with people like this since the early days of this community. I can tell you that world 83 has made many mistakes, but by far I think our greatest sin is adopting the ideology that "if we ignore it then it will go away". It never works. It never has, it never will. They always. Come. Back. Whether it's this guy, or the next guy or the guy after him we will always have this issue.
So if ignoring them doesn't work then what do we do? To find the answer we have to look back at what many deem as the "Golden Age of POCs" and how we as a community have evolved since then. As far as I am aware there are only two people remaining who have been around for almost every step the journey, and you are talking to one of them now. So how does today differ from back then? Well putting aside decrease in population the primary difference is people's attitude. Back then people weren't afraid to "poke the bear", and the bear didn't think twice about poking back.
I'll try to elaborate a bit further. All the stories you hear about wars and rebellions, alliances and treason, they weren't stories and they weren't roleplay. It was all very much real to those of us who took part in them. There was no third party organizing land claims, wars were not something that were accepted or denied and most importantly land was not just a list on your recruitment thread. Lands were owned which made us POCs, used which gave us something to do, and defended which gave us a sense of belonging somewhere. If I don't defend my lands, even against someone as trivial as Robertjones, how can I say I own them? If I don't own them how can I use them?
28-Apr-2016 19:30:55
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28-Apr-2016 19:33:02